Aktuelle Positionen der Planeten 2024-05-03 13:14

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Latitude and Longitude 47.3454 8.8728

planet r/a/km RA/h Dec° Azim° Alt°
mars 1.38 0.167 -0.29 225.39 32.57
merkur 0.47 1.203 4.76 210.04 43.64
venus 0.72 2.203 12.06 190.64 54.32
sun 1.01 2.738 15.89 176.88 58.52
jupiter 5.01 3.502 18.21 155.22 58.93
mond 365757 22.829 -10.76 237.69 13.05
saturn 9.72 23.236 -6.83 234.86 19.72

sunrise 06:04-- sunset 20:39
moonrise 04:25 -- moonset 14:44


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Change of the latitude and longitude extend the url text with ?latitude=47.3454&longitude=8.8728 as example.
Tools: Bootstrap, Flask, Python, digital ocean app.

Bäretswil, 31.Januar 2021 WE Hintegrundbild mit Mond am 1.Juni 2020